
The Meaning of the 6th House in Vedic Astrology


Meaning of the 6th House

The sixth house represents enemies, competitors, disease, debts, worries, problems, fear, injuries, vices and bad habits, thieves, handicaps & obstacles, battles, lawsuits, disgrace, miserliness, subordinate position, employees, subordinates, inferiors, tenants, foreign elements,

Work, working classes, anxiety, distress, fear of calamity, wounds, stepmother, all diseases & hurts, venereal disease, hatred, cruel or wicked acts, sin, violence, weapons, martial arts, torture, death at the enemy’s hands, exertion & weariness, severe reproach, enemy-enmity-envy, receiving charity or alms, untimely meals, being poisoned, protecting one’s credit, criminal prosecution, imprisonment, calamity, trouble, misunderstanding, serving & service occupations, domestic misery, diet & fasting, hygiene, sanitation, loss, magic, superstition, pets, partition, transfer.
Body parts — abdomen, intestines, bowels, hip, right foot